About Search Pie by Secomapp

NO.1 SEO Solution to Detect and Fix SEO Issues on Shopify

About Secomapp:

Secomapp Team has more than 9 years of experience in building Shopify Apps with high ranks and impressive ratings. We are attempting to become one of the best companies providing qualified apps for Shopify users.‌

We offer a high-skilled technical support team that is responsive from 8h30-18h00 Monday to Friday (GMT +7). We work fast, handle requests quickly and serve you wholeheartedly.‌

For any queries, please contact us at support@secomapp.com to be supported quickly within our working hours.

About Search Pie by Secomapp


If you own an online store, you are recommended to pay close attention to SEO. Otherwise, you will be left on the final pages of search results while your rivals who fiercely take advantage of SEO claim the first place.‌

You will find all popular features of many related-SEO apps here, while hot value-added items are being revised and refurbished non-stop for you in upgraded versions.

The app is surprisingly simple to handle with just a few clicks, with no fussing around with in-depth settings. You just overlook which SEO issues need to be fixed and simply hit Fix It to have them sorted out.‌

Take a huge relief from the app. Your workload and resources to take care of the SEO issues that matter will be cut down by 99%.

Last updated