How do I approve SearchPie's partner request?

I. Grant new permission for SearchPie account:

Step 1: Send us the Collaborator Request Code:

To send you an access request to your store, we need the Collaborator Request Code from you.

Please go to Shopify Settings > choose Users & Permission > send us your Collaborator Request Code via Livechat.

Step 2: Review & Accept our access request

After we send you the access request, please go to Settings > Users & Permissions and check our access request here.

You just need to select some permissions needed and finally, click the Accept Request button to allow SearchPie access to your store.

II. Update permission for SearchPie account:

In case merchants already grant access but want to update by adding new permission, you can also follow our steps below

Step 1:

Please go to Shopify Settings > choose Users & Permission > click the access you need to update

Step 2:

Let's scroll down to the Store permissions and tick on the permission you want to update, and click SAVE

Afterward, send a quick message to our support that you accept our request. Our team will help you solve the problem as soon as possible <3

Last updated